Tag Archives: Market

Want To Learn Where To Get The Best…

By, Chef Jim

…whatever you may be looking for?  Central PA is a diverse and agriculturally rich area with access to incredible fresh meats and produce.  Additionally, our Limestone Springs provide nourishment for some incredible Aquaculture operations yielding tasty trout and such!  Our proximity to both the Chesapeake Bay and large seaports in Baltimore and Philadelphia…allows us access to a bounty of fresh and diverse seafood.

If you’ve been looking for a source for a specific ingredient or ‘Special Treat’…such as Oysters, Crabs, Mussels, Sashimi-Grade Seafood, Organic Veggies, Grass Finished Beef…well, you get the point…if you’ve been looking for a source or simply don’t have the time to dedicate to it…we can help!

For nearly 25 years, we have been building relationships with farmers, watermen, suppliers and wholesalers who all have a common bond: a commitment to a quality product!  We can put these relationships to use for you in your search…or if necessary, we can build new relationships…either way, you’re left with the life long benefit of having that ‘go-to source’ that is a perfect fit for you!

For more information about our food consulting options, e-mail: Info@ChefJimK.com or visit us online: www.ChefJimK.com

Grocer Shelves

Make the Most of the Markets!

NO….not the Stock Markets….that’s WAY too big of a risk these days!  I’m talking about the Farmer’s Markets…or if you’re lucky enough to live in a City like Lancaster, York or even Philadelphia…the CENTRAL Markets!  – I know…it’s WINTER…there’s snow on the ground…what could I be talking about???

I’m talking about a number of things actually;

  • Buying Local! – Vendors at local ‘Markets’ typically are largely representing local businesses, farms and producers!  Not only does this keep as few miles between you and your food as possible,(reducing its ‘Carbon Footprint’ too!) it helps to keep your MONEY in the local economy…which will save you having to drive to a MALL some day to get all your stuff from big BOX stores!
  • Buying Fresh! – Local markets typically feature LOTS of fresh stuff!  From produce and protiens to Baked Goods and other stuff like hand made sausages or fresh ground spices…it’s amazing the difference that fresh makes! Much better than stuff that was flown in, held in ‘ripening’ rooms and then trucked to your local Mega-Mart!
  • Learn About Your Food! – Markets typically give you ‘face time’ with the source!  You can ask questions about what those Chickens or Cows ate, learn where that Broccoli came from and how it was grown or perhaps get some tips about what to do with it!  You’ll learn about how those fish were caught and whether or not that Shrimp travelled the whole way from Indonesia…or if they were caught right here in the USA!

OK…I could go on and on, but assume that you get the point!  If you have a “Market” of any kind close to where you live…begin to get in the ‘habit’ of visiting it on a regular basis!  It may take some practice…and you may have to adjust your schedule to accomodate ‘Market Hours’, but the benefits FAR outweigh any temporary inconveniences that you may have to endure.

Mark Twain said, “Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time.”  I would suggest that you should break the habit of the BIG grocers and find your way back to the local guys!