Tag Archives: Choosing Knife

So, I talk a LOT about Kitchen Knives…

By, Chef Jim

…it’s true!  I have somewhat of a ‘knife thing’ and realize full well that if left stranded on an island full of domestic pigs running around just waiting to become BBQ…chosen correctly, I could survive on a single blade!  Alas…but why?  To each knife there is a purpose…and if not, get it out of your knife block!

Options abound…high quality ‘Department Store Brands’ from the US, Germany and China mostly. The ‘High Dollar Kitchen Store’ versions of the same cutlery, or perhaps some higher quality Japanese steel?  What about Ceramic? I saw all these ‘custom kitchen knife’ makers on the internet…what about them?  Hey…Ming Tsai is selling that Aero knife thingy…..

…OK, so that may be a cheap shot, but I’m not a regular at ‘Blue Ginger’, so I’m not too worried about repercussions!  My point is that it may seem easy to simply buy a $500-$1000 or more ‘Block’ of Kitchen Knives and assume that you’ve got all you need only to wind up with a wasted purchase!  You most likely do NOT need all those knives and you most likely could have gotten a MUCH nicer Chef’s knife for a lot less!

SO…if you ARE thinking a LOT about the most important tool that a chef can wield in the Kitchen and you need some help!  Think about us!  Visit us online: www.ChefJimK.com or e-mail: Info@ChefJimK.com

JAK Knives